
Getting Started with Einstein Analytics!

Last year, I had the opportunity to take an Einstein Analytics Academy course and wow was there a lot of information packed into that two days! It was truly drinking from a firehose. I had to take my time to play with EA on my own and put my learnings to good use because there are so many things you can do with the tool. In the last year, I’ve facilitated a couple of sessions on getting started with Einstein Analytics and I wanted to post my slides from my last session with learning hints.

One thing that I have always enjoyed about reports and dashboards in Salesforce is that reporting cuts across all industries and all functions. Whether you’re working in insurance sales or customer support for manufacturing, reporting is a necessary component to measure your business. Salesforce excels at operational reporting, such as how many events were logged this month, how many customer support cases were closed, employee productivity and the like. However to get to real trend analysis, you had to use snapshot reporting, which wasn’t an ideal solution. This is where Einstein Analytics shines!

At Snowforce and Virtual Dreamin this year, I had the opportunity to deliver a how to training session to get started with Einstein Analytics. I find the hardest parts of EA are getting started and understanding the terminology and how things work. Once you understand that, you can be pretty much unstoppable.

If you attended either of my sessions, here is the link to the slides to get started. You just need an EA enabled dev org and your creativity!